Definitions Wiki

Heavy Definition, Meaning and Synonyms

Edited by Muazma Batool — By Muneeza Rehman — Updated on April 29, 2024
Discover the correct use of 'Heavey,' often mistakenly spelled as 'Heavy,' and learn to distinguish between these frequently confused English words. Our guide offers insights and tips for accurate spelling and usage.
Heavey Definition and Meaning

Heavy Definitions

Severe or intense, especially in terms of weather or feelings.
The region experienced heavy rainfall last night.
Muazma Batool
Feb 01, 2024
Having a lot of power or force.
The boxer was known for his heavy punches.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 01, 2024
Burdened with problems or responsibilities.
He felt heavy with the worries of his job.
Feb 01, 2024
Weighing a lot; having great weight.
The heavy suitcase was difficult to carry upstairs.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 01, 2024
Deep and profound, often emotionally or intellectually.
The novel deals with heavy themes of loss and redemption.
Feb 01, 2024
Dense or thick, as in clouds or fog.
The morning was marked by a heavy fog that blanketed the city.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 01, 2024
Difficult to manage or endure; severe.
The heavy burden of debt weighed on them.
Feb 01, 2024
Producing a feeling of being weighed down; hard to digest.
After the heavy meal, we all felt like taking a nap.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 01, 2024
Having relatively great weight
A heavy load.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 31, 2024
Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 31, 2024

Heavy Synonyms


Difficult to carry out or fulfill; taxing.
The workload this month has been particularly burdensome.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


Large in amount, extent, or size.
He received a hefty bill for the car repair.
Apr 29, 2024


Having considerable weight; difficult to lift or move.
The weighty tome was difficult to carry around the library.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
She made a substantial contribution to the charity.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


(of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense.
The storm caused severe damage to the area.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


(especially of a task, process, or journey) requiring considerable effort and time.
The construction of the bridge was a laborious project.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


Closely compacted in substance.
The fog was so dense this morning that visibility was near zero.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


Of extreme force, degree, or strength.
The debate last night was intense and thought-provoking.
Apr 29, 2024


Strongly and solidly built.
The sturdy table can support a lot of weight.
Apr 29, 2024


Large and heavy or solid.
The massive walls of the castle have stood for centuries.
Apr 29, 2024

Heavy Idioms


Using too much force or being overly harsh.
The management's heavy-handed approach caused unrest among employees.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy going

Difficult to endure or proceed with.
The book is a bit heavy going, but it's worth it in the end.
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy hitter

A person with a lot of influence or power.
The company brought in a heavy hitter to turn the business around.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy sleeper

A person who does not wake up easily.
He's such a heavy sleeper that he didn't hear the storm last night.
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy heart

Feeling sadness or depression.
She left with a heavy heart, knowing she might not return.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy lifting

The hard work or major part of an effort.
The team did the heavy lifting, setting up the event in record time.
Muazma Batool
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy weather

Difficult conditions or situations.
They made heavy weather of the simple task, complicating things unnecessarily.
Mar 04, 2024

With a heavy hand

In a controlling or oppressive manner.
The new policies were implemented with a heavy hand.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy on the heart

Causing sadness or emotional burden.
The news of his friend's illness was heavy on his heart.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy with child

Pregnant, especially in the later stages.
She was heavy with child and due any day.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Heavy Meaning in a Sentence

The heavy snowfall closed all the roads in town.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
The air felt heavy with humidity.
Mar 04, 2024
The discussion took a heavy turn, touching on serious issues.
Mar 04, 2024
They faced heavy criticism for their decision.
Muazma Batool
Mar 04, 2024
She had a heavy heart after hearing the sad news.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
The heavy traffic made me late for my appointment.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
The heavy workload kept her at the office late.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
He plays the role of the heavy in many films.
Mar 04, 2024
The doctor advised against lifting anything too heavy.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
Her eyelids were heavy with sleep.
Mar 04, 2024
The heavy scent of flowers filled the room.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
Heavy use of the machine led to its breakdown.
Mar 04, 2024
The storm brought heavy winds and rain.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024
The music was too heavy for my taste.
Mar 04, 2024
The documentary provided a heavy dose of reality.
Mar 04, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the antonym of heavy?

The antonym of "heavy" is "light," referring to both physical weight and the severity of a situation or mood.
Mar 04, 2024

Can heavy be used figuratively?

Yes, "heavy" can be used to describe not only physical weight but also emotional or intellectual depth, severity, and intensity.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

What is the origin of the word heavy?

"Heavy" comes from the Old English "hefig," meaning "weighty, grave, or important," and has Germanic roots linked to the concept of having weight.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

What does heavy industry mean?

"Heavy industry" refers to the sector of the economy involved in the production of large goods, such as steel, ships, or machinery, which requires a significant amount of capital, labor, and energy.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Does heavy always imply a negative connotation?

Not always; the connotation depends on context. For example, "heavy sleeper" might be positive for someone who needs uninterrupted sleep.
Mar 04, 2024

Can heavy be used to describe music?

Yes, "heavy" can describe music with a deep, powerful sound, often used in genres like heavy metal.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Can heavy apply to weather conditions?

Yes, "heavy" can describe severe or intense weather conditions, such as heavy rain, heavy snow, or heavy fog.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

Is "heavier" the correct comparative form of heavy?

Yes, "heavier" is the comparative form of "heavy," used to compare the weight or severity of two objects or situations.
Muneeza Rehman
Mar 04, 2024

How do I use heavy in a sentence?

"Heavy" can be used as an adjective before nouns to describe their weight, intensity, or emotional depth, e.g., "heavy rain" or "heavy topic."
Muazma Batool
Mar 04, 2024

Is it correct to say someone is heavy with emotion?

Yes, saying someone is "heavy with emotion" is a figurative way to describe feeling deeply burdened or overwhelmed by emotions.
Mar 04, 2024

What is a heavy meal?

A "heavy meal" is rich and filling, often high in fat or calories, and can leave you feeling overly full or lethargic.
Mar 04, 2024

Is there a noun form of heavy?

While "heavy" is primarily an adjective, "heaviness" is the noun form, referring to the state or quality of being heavy.
Mar 04, 2024

Can the use of heavy vary across different English dialects?

Yes, the use and connotation of "heavy" can vary slightly across different English dialects, reflecting cultural nuances in perception of weight, severity, and depth.
Mar 04, 2024

How does heavy differ from hefty?

While both "heavy" and "hefty" imply a considerable weight, "hefty" often suggests a large size or volume, and "heavy" emphasizes the burden or difficulty due to weight.
Mar 04, 2024

Can heavy be used in a positive context?

Yes, in certain contexts, "heavy" can be positive, such as "heavy with fruit" describing a tree laden with fruit, indicating abundance.
Mar 04, 2024

Content Creators

Written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Definitions Wiki, Muneeza's commitment to clarity and precision extends beyond the realm of definitions. She believes that a thorough understanding of words empowers individuals to communicate effectively and appreciate the beauty of language in all its forms.
Edited by
Muazma Batool
As a copywriter, Muazma weaves words into a tapestry of compelling stories that capture hearts and minds. With a keen eye for detail and a mastery of language, she crafts messages that move people to action and create lasting impact.

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