Definitions Wiki

Choice Definition, Meaning and Synonyms

By Muneeza Rehman & Muazma Batool — Updated on April 29, 2024
Discover the correct use of 'Choise,' often mistakenly spelled as 'Choice,' and learn to distinguish between these frequently confused English words. Our guide offers insights and tips for accurate spelling and usage.
Choise Definition and Meaning

Choice Definitions

The range of different things from which to choose.
The store offered a wide choice of fruits.
Jan 30, 2024
An individual person or thing chosen or preferred.
This painting is my choice for the exhibit.
Jan 30, 2024
A carefully selected or exclusive item.
The boutique sells choice pieces of jewelry.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
The act of selecting from two or more possibilities.
He made his choice after careful consideration.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
A decision or preference.
His choice to travel the world surprised everyone.
Jan 30, 2024
An alternative action or possibility.
If you don't like this option, there's another choice.
Jan 30, 2024
The best or most preferable part.
These grapes are the choice selection of the harvest.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
The power, right, or liberty to choose.
She had the choice to continue her education.
Muazma Batool
Jan 30, 2024
The act of choosing; selection
It is time to make a choice between the candidates.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
The power, right, or liberty to choose; option
The teacher gave me the choice between taking an exam and writing a paper.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024

Choice Synonyms


One of two or more possibilities from which to choose.
You have the option to decline the offer.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


A conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
The decision to move was not an easy one.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


The action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable.
His selection for the lead role was popular.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


One of two or more available possibilities.
Always have an alternative plan in case things go awry.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


To select from a group.
You can pick any item from this shelf.
Apr 29, 2024


The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.
It's at your discretion to choose the time of the meeting.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


A number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
The store offers a wide variety of fruits.
Apr 29, 2024


A greater liking for one alternative over others.
Her preference for chocolate is well known.
Muneeza Rehman
Apr 29, 2024


A thing that may happen or be the case.
There's a possibility that we might win.
Apr 29, 2024


The act of choosing or selecting one or more from a greater number of persons, things, courses, or rights.
The election of the new chairperson will be next week.
Apr 29, 2024

Choice Idioms

Spoilt for choice

Having too many good options to choose from.
With so many universities accepting her, she was spoilt for choice.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

A choice between two evils

Choosing between two undesirable options.
Voting for either candidate felt like a choice between two evils.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Choice words

Specific, often strong or critical words used to convey an opinion.
The coach had some choice words for the team after their loss.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

By choice

As a result of one's preference.
He was a vegetarian by choice.
Feb 23, 2024

Take your choice

An invitation to select according to one’s preference.
There are three desserts; take your choice.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Make a choice

To decide on one option or course of action.
You need to make a choice about your future plans.
Muazma Batool
Feb 23, 2024

Not much of a choice

Having options that are not significantly different or desirable.
In this tiny restaurant, there’s not much of a choice.
Muazma Batool
Feb 23, 2024

Hobson's choice

A situation where there is only one option available.
When it came to the company car, it was Hobson's choice take it or leave it.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Choice cut

A piece of meat, especially beef, of a particularly high quality.
The chef recommended the choice cut of steak.
Feb 23, 2024

The lesser of two evils

The slightly better or less harmful of two bad choices.
She chose the longer commute as the lesser of two evils.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Choice Meaning in a Sentence

The choice of a career is an important decision.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024
It was a difficult choice, but she was confident.
Muazma Batool
Feb 23, 2024
Her choice of words was impeccable.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024
The freedom of choice is a fundamental right.
Feb 23, 2024
He regretted his choice almost immediately.
Muazma Batool
Feb 23, 2024
The choice to live healthily has many benefits.
Feb 23, 2024
Making an informed choice requires information and thought.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024
She always makes her choice based on thorough research.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024
They offered him a choice of two positions.
Feb 23, 2024
This book was her choice for the book club.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024
You always have a choice in how you react.
Feb 23, 2024
The final choice rested with the committee.
Feb 23, 2024
His choice in fashion is quite unique.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the plural form of "choice"?

The plural form is "choices," referring to multiple options or decisions.
Feb 23, 2024

Can "choice" be used as an adjective?

Yes, "choice" can be an adjective meaning of high quality, as in "choice ingredients."
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Does "choice" have synonyms?

Yes, words like "option," "selection," "preference," and "alternative" can serve as synonyms.
Feb 23, 2024

Can "choice" have a negative connotation?

In some contexts, "choice" might imply a difficult or undesirable decision, but generally, it is neutral or positive.
Feb 23, 2024

What is the difference between "choice" and "decision"?

"Choice" refers to the options available, while "decision" refers to the act of selecting among those options.
Feb 23, 2024

Can "choice" be used in legal contexts?

Yes, "choice" is used in legal contexts, often related to the right or freedom to choose.
Feb 23, 2024

Is "choice" a common word in everyday language?

Yes, "choice" is a common word used regularly in various contexts.
Feb 23, 2024

What is the origin of the word "choice"?

"Choice" originates from the Old French word "chois," which came from the Latin word "gustus," meaning taste or liking.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

How is "choice" used in a sentence?

"Choice" is typically used as a noun to refer to the act of selecting or the options available, as in "You have a choice of three doors."
Muazma Batool
Feb 23, 2024

Can "choice" be a verb?

No, "choice" is not used as a verb; the verb form is "choose."
Feb 23, 2024

Are there any common phrases or idioms using "choice"?

Yes, phrases like "Hobson's choice" and "spoilt for choice" are commonly used.
Feb 23, 2024

How is "choice" used in the context of consumer goods?

In consumer goods, "choice" often refers to the range or quality of products available.
Feb 23, 2024

What is the role of "choice" in ethical discussions?

In ethics, "choice" plays a central role in discussions about free will, responsibility, and moral decision-making.
Feb 23, 2024

How does the context change the meaning of "choice"?

The meaning of "choice" varies depending on context, from referring to options available to the act of choosing or the quality of something.
Feb 23, 2024

Is "choice" used in specific industries or fields?

"Choice" is used across various fields, from retail (choice products) to philosophy (freedom of choice).
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 23, 2024

Content Creators

Written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Definitions Wiki, Muneeza's commitment to clarity and precision extends beyond the realm of definitions. She believes that a thorough understanding of words empowers individuals to communicate effectively and appreciate the beauty of language in all its forms.
Co-written by
Muazma Batool
As a copywriter, Muazma weaves words into a tapestry of compelling stories that capture hearts and minds. With a keen eye for detail and a mastery of language, she crafts messages that move people to action and create lasting impact.

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